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  An Excellent Product!

  "You have an excellent product. This is one of the best vacations that I have ever had."

Mark Stratton, United Kingdom; Professional Travel Writer, Client Tornado Alley Safari 2000


Profound Instinct!

 "Stephen is a great guide with a profound instinct for the behavior of wild weather."

 Niles Goldstein, New York; Rabbi and Author, Client Tornado Alley Safari 1999, 2000


Amazing Intuition and Knowledge!

 "Your intuition and knowledge of the storms and sky just blew me away. I was amazed to have you put us right under a supercell before it even started."

Brian Press, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA; Professional Body Board Surfer,

Client Tornado Alley Safari, 1998 through 2001


 Commitment to Comfort and Enjoyment!

 " Thank you very much for everything you did for us.  Your concern for our comfort and enjoyment is most appreciated"

Gail Arnold, Charlotte NC; Administrative Manager; Client Tornado Alley Safari 1997


Excitement, Deliverance and Spiritual Communion!

 "The most exciting times were when we put ourselves within a couple miles of tornado touchdowns. The energy was scary because I have never been that close, but it was very exciting.

Feeling the energy, and knowing that we captured what we drove 700 miles for; the clouds swirling and boiling; the wall cloud, sirens going off... I would recommend this Safari to anybody who wants to feel the storms and make a spiritual connection to the weather."

Mike Jordan, Ortonville, MI; Storm Chaser, Journalist and Track Coach;

 Client Tornado Alley Safari 1996  


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Copyright © 2001 Tornado Alley Safari
Site updated by Fine Technologies: January 29, 2002