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About Stephen

I grew up in Western Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. Weather has been my most direct access to The Creator since I was 2 years old. Beginning at that age, I savored cosmic transcendence by laying on my back and watching towering cumulus clouds meet the sun, spewing spokes of shadow across the sky while their rims shimmered like fire.

Despite the fact that they were practically unheard  of in our region, I began meditating on tornadoes by age six. Also at that age, I chanted to the wind, and once got into trouble by creating "hailstorms" as I threw rocks at cars on the highway below us.

My first conscious experience of God took place around the arrival of a thunderstorm at age six.  I began studying weather scientifically at age 7 as my parents bought me my first weather book.

I remained faithful to this passion, despite a social environment where it was looked upon with ridicule. While fellow students aspired to become "jocks" or the girlfriends of jocks, I kept weather records, collected rocks and butterflies, and had transcendent experiences with music and the sky.

Starting in junior high, I had a dream of getting into a car, or just flying southward to catch and greet the castles of thunderheads that our fresh cool summer air masses chased way off into the horizon.  Then once reaching those pearly castles, dancing within the passions of lightning, thunder, wind and rain.

In my teens and 20's I spent hours in the library, studying and reading articles about lightning and tornadoes.  At age 25, I began to chase storms, long before the general public ever conceived of such a notion.

Now people are becoming more and more excited and enthusiastic about storm chasing.  Remembering my humble beginnings, I feel honored when someone comes up to me all enthusiastic with questions about chasing storms.  What a joy it is to see peoples eyes light up and listen to their stories when I tell them that I chase storms!

In addition to storm chasing, I love getting together with friends and community, supporting one another in our personal growth and self-expression, hiking in nature, and dancing.   I am also a musician and offer tapes and performances of angelic music (see Safari Shop).  My book that links weather watching, sacred beauty, God consciousness and spiritual mastery is ready for a publisher.

In addition I serve as consultant in schools, using weather and the creative arts as focus with the children.  We also discuss the beauty of storms and how to be safe around storms

I am blessed with living in a nice quiet sunlit apartment in a safe neighborhood, and savoring excellent health.  My patio faces the entire northern sky and a lot of the west, so I have had the delight of watching and filming thunderstorms and sunsets from out the back door ("back door intercepts").    Exercise is very important to me, and a 2 1/2 mile walk per day is mandatory.

My long term vision is to produce a movie that celebrates sacred beauty, as well as to bring deep contributions to the cause of world peace.

Send mail to thundereye@juno.com with questions or comments about this web site.
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Site updated by Fine Technologies: January 29, 2002