May 1 and Return May 8; Depart
May 23 and Return May 30 Depart
June 1 and Return June 8 Depart
June 23 and Return June 30
from and returning to Tampa, FL August 8-18 (2001)
Tour Fees8-Day Tours $1000
Deposit) Fees cover all ground transportation, forecasting services, and instruction in storm chasing/watching. Hotel, airfare and meals not included. Motels usually usually average about $45 per night; discounts usually available for our party at check-in.
Application ProcedureSend your completed application and waiver along with a $200 deposit to reserve your seat. The deposit counts towards your full tour fee. To receive your application and waiver, contact Stephen Levine, Tour Director at any of the following: Home Phone: 972-889-0196; Backup Voice Mail: 972-504-6379; Email: Stephen Levine address: POB 833189, Richardson TX 75083
Send mail to thundereye@juno.com with
questions or comments about this web site.